Weekly Roundup #001

Weekly Roundup #001

Oh hello there! This is the first 'weekly roundup' blog, where I just share what's been going on in my little corner of the world. Work stuff, life stuff, other stuff. Just stuff, y'know?

Big news from Aardman is that Wallace & Gromit Vengeance Most Fowl has been nominated for an Academy Award! That's huge news for the studio and for the crew, so we had a little celebration in the atrium this week. The two sites joined by a Teams call as Pete Lord & Nick Park congratulated the crew and the studio. 🎉

Celebrating the Oscar nom

The ceremony is happening on March 2nd in Hollywood so cross your fingers for us! It was such a joy to be a part of that film and I'll be sharing a behind the scenes blog on that soon!

Someone shared a compilation video of 'Akira slides' with me on Insta this week - of course, it's the law I speak about Akira atleast once a week - and then my friend Henry St. Leger, a brilliant artist and designer, surprised me with this mashup of Akira x the Greenpeace project we made at Aards a few years back!

Akira x Turtle Journey by Henry St Leger

In my own time I've been working on an updated talk for 2025. Adding in new examples of work, changing things up a bit. I've started organising my calender for the year and have a few talks booked in now, have a peep at the listings on my main portfolio site here.

I've also been just mucking about making a silly graphic too. With the state of the world at the minute do you find yourself muttering "fffksssake!" more than ever? I know I do. Thought I'd make a graphic for that, as it's pretty much the only way I know how to process stuff.

Thats about it for updates I think, but keep on scrolling for a retina-blast of inspiration and visual noise, from what I've been playing and what's caught my eye.

Cheers for now,



Not having much game time at the minute, but I have loved having a blast with Marvel Rivals. Mainly due to the quality of animation in the character introductions. Check this 'No One Rivals Doom' cinematic, it's amazing!



We're a bit behind but just started the first season of Severence! So far so mysterious!


Some wonderful soul has created lush 4K screencaptures from all of Arcane, and they make the best wallpapers ever. Such a stunning piece of storytelling.

Beardyman is a mad genius. Taking beatboxing and live looping to an entirely different planet. Mind blowing:

Nick Mohammed aka Mr Swallows summerising Jurassic Park in song format...


A right ol' assortment of stuff... presented to you here without context. Enjoy!